"For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream."

-Vincent Van Gogh


Mood music: | | | | | | |


« Basics »

Name: Celestine Fay
Meaning: Heaven
Nicknames: Celeste
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be in her mid to late twenties.
Birthplace: Kugane
Current Residence: Celestine possesses a personal home in the Mist- La Noscea's residential district.
Race: "Aurazen" - Half Elezen (Duskwight - Father) / Au Ra (Raen - Mother)
Occupation: Primarily an oneiromancer, healer and traveling starseer. She is currently employed by Saoirse Quincy through her company, the Secret Star Services, as a healer and diviner.
Languages: She claims to only speak Eorzean Common and Hingan.
Voice: Light and airy, accented. Breathy.IG Job(s): Astrologian (Sharlayan school of Astromancy), aspiring dancer

« Physical »

Distinguishing features: Being half Elezen/Au Ra, she possesses both ears and horns. Her horns, instead of being on the sides of her head, have grown at the top of her forehead. Her scales range in color, similarly to the sky at sunset, from white and pink near the middle, to pale lavender and ending in deeper purple tones along the edges.Height: 5 fulm 0 ilm
Weight: Around 150-155 ponzes, but fluctuates.
Build: Pear shaped- slender torso, with wide hips and thighs.
Scent: Soft and sweet - creamy vanilla with shimmering hints of honey.
Hair color/style: Celestine's hair is beginning to show signs of growing after abruptly cutting it several moons ago. It currently sits in loose waves between her shoulder blades, and is usually pulled over one shoulder in a careless half braid. Her fringe is rather long and is layered around the sides of her face.Eyes: Pale, lustrous gold. The entirety of her irises are suffused with what appear to be the very light of stars. Heavily lashed.

« Personality »

Celestine exerts a powerful presence that is both calming and compelling at once. Based on looks alone, she can come across as a solitary creature, but this is far from the truth. Once conversation has been initiated she is actually very enchanting and sociable. She possesses a great attention to detail, and some have called her "delightfully expressive". There are few she allows to constantly invade her personal space because they have earned the pale woman's trust. In kind, she grants her unwavering loyalty to those she considers her closest. She is the personification of grace and beauty, and handles herself appropriately. She has an exceptional knowledge of social etiquette and the expectations placed upon her by society as a whole, and shows a measure of interest in learning about other cultures.

« Positive Traits »

Thoughtful, determined, captivating, soft, patient, loyal, calm, artistic, responsible, listener, sensitive, insightful, passionate, motherly, warm, peaceful, empathetic, confident, meticulous, dependable, open-minded.

« Negative Traits »

Vain, too cautious, self-indulgent, prone to RBF, emotionally guarded, materialistic, easily addicted, fatalistic, dependent on others, fanciful, worried, secretive.

Alignment: Neutral Good
When happy: She will often sport small, close-lipped smiles and quietly laugh. When in a particularly good mood, or when around close friends, she is generous with compliments, witty, and prone to sarcastic humor.
When depressed: She'll keep herself isolated when experiencing deep sadness. In order to feel better, Celestine performs self-care through meditation, stretching, dancing, and drinking lots of tea.
When angry: An extremely rare occurrence, especially in public, but she is prone to cold shoulders and excusing herself from a situation to cool off.

« Likes »

Spicy food, tea, philosophy, fortune telling, dreams, dancing, gardening, rain, meditation, divination, story telling, music, sweet smells, flowers, riddles, incense, silk, romance, plush pillows, bells, spices, magick, gossip.

« Dislikes »

The cold, liars, corruption, foul body odor, being told "no", messy spaces, aching limbs and muscles, being unable to feel the bottom of a body of water, being alone, uncontrolled chaos, being in debt, being deafened.

« Mannerisms & Quirks »

✧ When engaging in conversation Celestine will try to keep her hands clasped in front of her.✧ Celestine is obsessed with personal hygiene.✧ She is adamant about not cursing in public.✧ If on her, she’ll usually fiddle with a pretty, ornate hair pin.✧ She prefers the "less is more" approach when it comes to clothing, and favors wearing loose skirts instead of pants. She finds clothing to be somewhat uncomfortable over her scales.✧ She prefers her drinks to be warm. Yes, even alcohol.✧ Celestine is used to living in a property with an open floor and courtyard, where everyone was close and privy to one another's business. For this reason, she keeps her lodging open to guests and freely invites friends, and strangers alike, to stay with her.✧ She keeps a water jar and birdcage near the front entrance of her home.✧ She has a stretching routine that she performs twice daily, once in the morning and again in the evening before bed.

« Extra tidbits »

✧ Celestine's natural hearing is on par with elezen, and her horns give her an added spatial awareness. Her horns are hollow and vibrate to sound, allowing her to pinpoint where a sound originated from in order to better understand her relationship with the environment around her.✧ If damaged, her scales, horns, and tail can grow back. The severity of the damage determines just how long these things will regrow.✧ She has a fondness for gifts, and if invited anywhere, or to someone's home, will bring a small gift as a gesture of goodwill.✧ She prefers to travel via Aetheryte Crystal and is wary of Chocobos.✧ Through Astromancy, Celestine is in tune with the aetherial magics of the constellations, allowing her to divine the past and make predictions about the future.✧ In addition to Astromancy, Celestine is gifted in the echo, and it has granted her the strange ability to read, understand and manipulate the fluctuations of another's aether while they are dreaming, whether it be natural or induced through other means. This allows her to perform a strange brand of dream walking- a service that she is selective in providing. It offers her the unique opportunity to see through her mind's eye, and allows her to both assist others in interpreting their dreams in real time and cleanse them of any nightmarish ghouls haunting their dreamland.

Roleplay Hooks


« Recent »

The Hunt for Blue Fire — Celestine was recently hired by Saoirse Quincy to assist as a healer for an expedition deep into Coerthas' snowy clime in search of Ceruleum. However, due to the dangers of the venture, the Head of Logistics withdrew her people after a particularly treacherous advance resulted in various injuries and low morale. Their caravan passed through Ishgard, where the group stayed for a few days at a comrade's family estate, before returning to Thanalan.Celestine was injured during the expedition. While no scars linger, she is currently missing a large portion of the scales on her right side, from just above her hip to below the side of her breast. This is a very obvious injury, given Celestine's day to day wardrobe.While the expedition did not find Ceruleum while Celestine was present, she did gain a few fascinating antiques that were lost to the snow that she is interested in sharing.

« Always Available »

Ul'dahn rumors — Celestine is well known in certain areas of Ul'dah, as she is rumored to be a woman who offers herself within one of the city state's many pillow houses. In truth, she assists a well known establishment ran by a Highlander named Gylda, providing necessary treatment and therapy to the men and women under her care. Those from Ul'dah's more sordid circles would be aware of who she is, even if through those rumors alone. In addition, she has been recently spotted offering healing services to gladiators in Ul'dah's colosseum, and frequently spotted in Stonesthrow, providing food and assistance to those denied Ul'dahn citizenship.

Fortune telling — Celestine is mildly renowned due to her talent with divination, and can be easily found for this service. Her father taught her the Sharlayan art of Astromancy, and she is both familiar and well-practiced with tasseography and dream interpretation. For the latter, she heavily leans on her strange manifestation of Echo.

Adventuring — Celestine can handle herself (somewhat) well enough, so I would love to see her assist an adventuring party and see what sorts of shenanigans they can stir up. She may not be at the forefront of a fight, but she can provide assistance through other means- healing, primarily.

The arts, as well as a dance partner — Celestine adores the arts, and has pursued several different opportunities- including singing, reciting poetry, and has recently taken a more serious interest in dance. Currently, her dance instructor is NPC'd, and is referred to as an elezen male that is an Ul'dahn native. With her apprenticeship nearing an end, she is seeking avenues in which to perform at.

Fanciful tastes — Celestine likes the "finer" things, be it food, jewelry or clothing. She can't always afford these things, but that doesn't stop her from trying to acquire any of it! Prone to window shopping, she is always seeking merchants of pretty things to inquire about possibly buying something- especially if they're willing to work out a deal with her.

Illicit connections — Secretly, Celestine is in the market for specific drugs. In particular, she is interested in acquiring somnus, or at the very least the dream flowers that are used in its creation.

Healing / Guidance — Celestine is a gifted healer, familiar with both magical and mundane practices. In addition, she has offered guidance to weary and lost souls who are seeking a wise word or two from a kind stranger. These services are not free, as she does charge to counsel or assist the sickly and injured.

Tea time and books — Celestine's mother runs a small tea cafe within the Kogane Dori district. It goes without saying that Celestine loves tea for it, and will often seek out local cafes in search of something that is both delicious and reminds her of home. In addition, she frequents libraries and bookstores. Either is an easy way to meet Celestine in passing.

Kugane — Celestine was born and raised in Kugane, the only port city in Hingashi. Although Celestine has since departed from her beloved home, I am not opposed to establishing existing connections for those who may already know and/or be aware of her. There is little limitation here, and pre-existing connections from her homeland can be either insignificant or larger scale relationships, such as friends, family, or more.

Dreamers — With the echo, Celestine can enter another's dreams. Usually, this is planned and suitably prepared for as a method of healing and therapy, but it can happen (although rarely) that another's aether simply captivates and pulls her in.

Social events — Know of a social RP event taking place and need a partner to tag along with? Let me know! I would love to have Celestine attend.

« Past Rumors »

These are a mixture of both recent and not so recent rumors, true or not, that your character may or may not come across. Feel free to use these as you see fit.

✧ "Yea, I've seen her 'round th'Gold Saucer before. Wears little. M'mate Valerus lost th'gil he'd been savin' for a man's night out tryin' to impress her and she couldn't be bothered to give him th'time of day afterward!"✧ "She comes around the Mizzenmast often. Last I saw her though she was havin' some sort of row with a Viera. Whatever he was tryin' to give her she wasn't much interested in. Saw her toss his gift right out to sea in a huff! Maddest I've ever seen her!"✧ "I've heard a few say they've seen her in their dreams."✧ "I remember her, but if I recall correctly she was incredibly sick as a child."✧ “She helped me navigate through a tough time. She preached about the cosmos and how it affects my life and behavior. It was...oddly freeing to have someone listen and show me that, while some things are out of my power, I am better in understanding what is and how I can change that.”

Out of Character


« The rules I abide by »

✧ ic ≠ ooc - We are not our characters, lets keep it that way!✧ No godmoding / metagaming✧ I have no interest in roleplaying with minors, or people who roleplay characters that are minors. Please be 21+ if you are intending to Rp with me.✧ In character actions lead to in character consequences.✧ IC drama is great, OOC drama is not! I do not tolerate OOC drama.✧ Have fun! ♥

« What I will Rp »

✧ Mature content and themes such as drinking and drug use.✧ Long or short term scenes✧ Grand adventures✧ Pre-established relationships✧ Slice of life✧ Character exploration and growth✧ Combat✧ Rp with low or high powered characters✧ Lore bending that is within reason✧ Magical, supernatural, or otherwise unnatural themes✧ Fade to black (FTB) for any reason

« What needs consent »

✧ Permanent scarring and/or disfigurement✧ Kidnapping and/or imprisonment✧ Just about anything that will affect my character in the long term, whether it be physical, emotional, or psychological. I have my limits.✧ Possible "Alternate Universe" stories.✧ Scenes / Rps that may contain canon NPCs, but I am very hesitant and picky in regards to this.

« What I will not Rp »

✧ Child or animal abuse✧ One shot sex scenes✧ Unplanned, permanent character death✧ Blatant lore breaking✧ "Persona" play, wherein we play ourselves

Healing and Other Services


« Oneiromancy »

Oneiromancy for healing

Using her unique manifestation of the echo, Celestine has the ability to use another's aether to tap into their subconscious while they are sleeping. Celestine will also use oneirogens to help promote a dream filled rest in order to work properly. While she can craft dreams through another's aether, she much prefers to work with a foundation set by the dreamer themselves. To enter the dreams of another, Celestine must first enter a deep, meditative state, which can be mistaken for sleeping.

**Psychotherapy **Celestine may attempt to treat a dreamer’s mental or psychological problems from within their dreams. Tapping into the subconscious affirmations of self that some dreams embody, Celestine can assist the dreamer's recovery by altering dreams and cleansing their psyche.A stress relief dream allows the dreamer to recover from recent stressors, giving a renewed sense of belonging and success. Each night of successful work can feel like the equivalent of a week of regular therapy.

Healing sleepCelestine can enter a dream that interacts with physiological processes, and may speed the dreamer's natural healing through manipulating the dreamer's aether while interacting with them. With a healing sleep of any intensity, the time the dreamer spends asleep counts as a full day of rest. Thus, if the sleeper experiences a true day of rest and then a night of induced healing sleep, they are considered to have gained two days of rest toward the purpose of healing wounds. This form of healing is not instant and is intended for long-term use, perfect for when someone has suffered serious injury and has the time to dedicate to healing naturally instead of immediately through magic.An antidote for Dream-PoisonOtherwise known as nightmares. Through oneiromancy Celestine can help shape active nightmares into something less threatening and even conquerable.

Oneiromancy for divination

This form of divination is a system based on interpreting dreams to predict the future and obtain useful information. Dreams allow us to go on a mysterious adventure, calling us to better understand our life- our personal vocation. In every dream there is a message, a part of us that needs to be heard, a guiding light, a healthy outlet for fantasies, creative inspiration and a way to cultivate our evolution as the beings that we are and will become. That is to say, as we familiarize with the hidden meanings of our dreams, we then are given a deeper sense of understanding ourselves, leading us to better our lives.

Learning About the Dreamer and analyzing the dreamBy watching several nights worth of sleep, Celestine can determine information about the dreamer. In addition, it can also reveal the use of mind or emotion altering powers on the dreamer within the last month.Through creating small changes to the dream and gauging the dreamer's response both inside and outside of the dream, Celestine can determine if a dream is poisoned, a memory dream, a recurring dream, or a wish fulfillment dream.

Reading the DreamAfter several interactions, and once aware of the type of dream Celestine is dealing with, she can then begin the process of breaking down the images and their meanings. Depending on the Dreamer's responses, she may even go so far to implant a hidden message to help coax them along on their path.Convincing the DreamerIn which Celestine hides subliminal hooks in a dreamer’s subconscious. The hooks remain for a week, and Celestine can only set one at a time.

« Dream weaving and shaping »

Dreamweaving is the craft of creating dreams outside of a sleeper's mind and storing them in an appropriate object for later use. In order to use dreamweaving Celestine must find an appropriate object to serve as a vessel for the dream: the object's nature must be relevant to the kind of dream she desires to create, and will most likely feature in the dream itself somehow. A soft, cuddly teddy bear might be an excellent vessel for a healing sleep dream, while a torn, broken doll with a sinister grin and one eye missing can serve perfectly for creating Dream-Poison. Celestine often uses objects that can be in contact with the sleeper while they are asleep such as: stuffed toys, blankets, underclothes and jewelry are all popular objects, as are small things that might be tucked under pillows.

« Other forms of divination »


Tea leaf reading is an ancient practice interpreting patterns made by tea leaves in a cup. The process of tasseography stimulates the imagination to create individualized interpretations and solutions. Tea leaf reading is a highly personal and subjective process because abstract pattern recognition keys into our subconscious. For this reason, self analysis produces the most relevant reading. Celestine simply acts as a 'translator' for the images seen in the leaves.

What each part of the cup signifiesThe handle— The energy conduit that connects the physical and abstract realms. It resembles the querent and should be positioned due south to signify the querent's current environment. Tea leaves near the handle suggest events relating to the querent's immediate surroundings, whereas leaves directly across from the handle (due north) symbolize external issues and outside influences.The rim— The present.
The sides— The near future.
The bottom— The far future.
Depending on the question, these zones can be used to gauge timing (how soon something is likely to occur), connection (the physical or symbolic distance between two individuals), and intensity (leaves on the rim, for instances, could suggest a life-changing event).

Practice: For ease of reading a white tea cup is always used. Any loose tea leaf will do, but Celestine will try and select a tea her customer prefers- if none, then Doman black tea is always used. The querent prepares their tea and allows it to steep to their preference. While waiting for the water to cool, they are asked to quiet their mind of all thoughts and relax, formulating a specific and concise question while transferring their energy into the absorbent tea leaves. Pattern recognition and symbol recollection requires a lot of focus and concentration, so Celestine will do her best not to distract.Once the tea is cool enough to drink the querent will drink until there is only a little bit left at the bottom of the cup, using the hand they are not dominant with to lift the cup. If right handed, they will be asked to use their left hand and vice versa. If Ambidextrous, they will be asked to reach for the cup, stop, then use their other hand. While drinking, the querent should try to keep their mind clear of all else but the question they are seeking an answer for. Once the customer is done drinking they will swirl the cup three times, from left to right, then very gently turn the cup over and place it, face down, on the saucer. After waiting three, long breaths the cup will be rotated three times, then turned back over with the handle facing due south for the reading to begin.A reading will always start from where the teacup's handle is located and go clockwise. The querent will begin by identifying symbols, of which there are five types: animals, mythical beings, objects, letters, and numbers. As the querent names images they see in the leaves Celestine will take note and ask where the symbol is located on the cup (such as the rim, middle or bottom) and its relation in location to the rest of the symbols. Afterwards, Celestine will ask what each symbol first brings to mind, then help translate their meanings.


Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate hidden ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites, malignant "vibrations", lost things and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus. One of the most commonly used tools for divination and dowsing is a pendulum

Celestine's pendulumHer pendulum consists of an unrefined star quartz that is pointed on one end, suspended from glimmering silk cord that is tied to a golden ring to make it easier to hold. The star quartz is a crystal is associated with clarity and connecting to a higher purpose. This rather simple pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information, and moves in different ways in response to questions.

Practice: Celestine will first cleanse and charge her pendulum. To cleanse it, she will leave it out in the sunlight or moonlight. To charge it with her energy, she will then hold the pendulum in her hands, closing her fingers around it. She then will spend a short time sitting quietly, with her eyes closed, focusing her energy on her pendulum while asking Nymeia to touch and guide her her silken cord, thus "moving" the pendulum.Once ready to be used, Celestine will hold the pendulum loosely through the ring with her forefinger and thumb. Her questions are usually done internally, and she has determined that her specific pendulum answers 'yes' with wide, circular arcs, and 'no' with forward and backward swings.

Astrologian Lore

A lot of this information has been pulled from the Eorzean Encyclopedia, as well as other resouces, to build upon my knowledge and rp a lore-abiding Astrologian (with some twists for flavor) to the best of my abilities.


« Astromancy »

Ever has man coveted knowledge, and none more so than that of his fate. Thus did he labor to master the skill of foresight—but initial efforts bore little fruit. That is, until he looked to the stars above, which foretell the coming seasons, and learned to read the heavens.Though this gift is known today as astrology, the people of Sharlayan saw fit to not only read the stars, but to write their movements as well. By attuning their aetherial energies to that of constellations, they learned to wield magicks with heretofore unseen properties.Thus was astromancy born—a new form of magick which grants its users power over fate. Employing a star globe and divining deck in their miraculous deeds, fortune always smiles upon these masters of arcana.

HistoryThe famed author of The Five Ages, the Sharlayan sage Lewphon devoted two decades of his life from the year 210 to the year 230 of the Sixth Astral Era to compiling a comprehensive study on the merits of star gazing.By analyzing the expansive historical records of man’s attempts to read his own fate, Lewphon hoped to separate the fables of superstition from the more reliable knowledge of evidence-based astrology. What his methodical scrutiny uncovered, however, was that much of the ancients’ wisdom was founded in legitimate arcane theory.This revelation shifted the entire focus of his research, and his subsequent efforts to reconstruct and adapt these principles resulted in the creation of “astromancy”–an art which attuned the wielder’s aether to the movement of the heavens.Following Lewphon’s discoveries, the cards of the fortune teller–previously considered an amusement fit only for children–were re-evaluated from an academic perspective. The deck of arcana, with its cards representative of the constellations, was integrated along with the star globe into a uniquely Sharlayan discipline of magick.

« Tricks of the Trade »

Astrologians of the Sharlayan School draw on the aether contained in the celestial bodies represented in the constellations by "unlocking" or "opening" the gate to heaven that constellation is correlated with. You are opening your mind, allowing for attunement with these distant bodies, much like one attunes with an aetheryte, but on a far grander scale.

Casting— Astrologians draw residual aether from the constellations into their planisphere. When casting, Celestine's scales will begin to reflect the night sky, varying in shades of purple and blue with yellow, sparkling stars peppering her body.Benefic— Astrologians channel healing energies by attuning their aether to the “benefic” bodies in the heavens. Paired with an affinity for “malefic” bodies to effect destructive magicks, this attunement represents the fundamental principle of astromancy.Gravity— This magick manipulates the inexorable pull of the stars to magnify the force of gravity. Creatures within the area are subjected to a crushing pressure, with the worst of the effects centered on the primary target.Celestial Opposition— Considered to be the very essence of astromancy, this technique binds the astrologian’s aether to the loftiest of heavens. A single tug on this celestial cord alters the patterns of fate, showering allies with fortune, and afflicting foes with sudden adversity.Astral Stasis— By throwing wide the gate to the seventh heaven–the highest of the astral domains–the astrologian favors the battlefield with celestial benediction. This technique is said to hold the power to skew one’s fate towards an almost certain victory.

« Celestine's Star Globe »


Celestine's star globe is unlike the traditional planisphere's commonly used by Astrologians. Its design is not inspired by traditional Sharlayan star globes, nor does it share similarities to those of the far east or within Ishgard. Where others may use intricately designed pieces that utilize complex plates and rings to map and depict a plethora of astrological phenomena, Celestine pushed for something a bit more 'simple'. Opting for glass instead of lacquered metal, the glowing crystal suspended within is tethered and attuned to the heavens, just as Celestine is. The crystal hums and chimes depending on the movement of the stars. In response, the glass orb will vibrate and hum along with it, alerting Celestine to certain astrological patterns, movements and events.

« Celestine's scales »

Growing up with a prominent Astrologian professor for a father provided Celestine with intimate knowledge of the stars from birth. When she was old enough, her father assisted her in attuning herself to the aetherial energies of the constellations. Then, almost as if the very night sky had begun to embrace Celestine, her scales began to shift in color. Little by little the purples of deep, dark night had begun to bleed into the white, forever staining her scales and horns. By attuning herself to the constellations, her body has become a sort of portal, her scales working like a mirror to cast back the sky.When Celestine is calling upon her magic her scales will begin to react. Smaller, less potent spells may trigger the sudden appearance of sparkling stars across her body, whereas large scale Astromancy casts (such as Astral Stasis) will cause her scales to mirror the nightly heavens in their entirety. Her scales become awash with purples, blues, and blacks, with a swathe of stars across her body.

« The Deck of Sixty »

Building a DeckThe Deck of Sixty is most commoly divided into two distinct groups, the major arcana and the minor arcana. The six major arcana–the Spire, the Ewer, the Bole, the Arrow, the Balance, and the Spear–are said to represent the heavens and thus are most often utilized in astrological and divinatory pursuits.Conversely, the minor arcana are believed to represent the land and its people, and feature six suits, each containing six cards numbered 1 through 6 (the pip cards), and three face cards, for a total of fifty-four. Each suit possesses a corresponding element, class, and faculty, as well as direct tie to one of the six major arcana–all characteristics that can be employed (at the teller’s discretion) during the scrying of a fortune.

The Power of the TwelveFactors of Twelve (whimsically referred to by numerologist as “traces of the gods”) can be seen everywhere in the Deck of Sixty: six (half of twelve) major arcana, six minor arcana suits. Six times six numbered cards, three (one half of six) times six face cards, three elements each represented by one of two (one sixth of twelve) schools of magic–thaumaturgy and conjury (also known as the Aetherial Triplicity), and two gods to represent each of the six elements (also known as Divine Duplicity).

« Major Arcana »

Major ArcanaOrderElementRepresents
The Bole1st HeavenEarthThis constellation is thought to be the gate to the first heaven–the heaven which holds the World Tree. Planted by the Matron and nurtured by the Keeper, the World Tree is the source from which life is said to have sprung. The trunk of the World Tree, or the Bole, offers protection to the weak, defending them from harm.
The Balance2nd HeavenFireA realm made prosperous by the blessing of the Traders, but at the same time, one whose equilibrium is maintained by the Divine Judgement of Azeyma- The Warden. Azeyma’s might will empower those who would take up their blades and mete divine punishment in the name of the sun goddess.
The Spire3rd HeavenLightningThe Heaven of Levin, represented by the Tower of Byrgot. In the third heaven rises an iron tower of spinning gears and taut springs constructed by the Builder himself. It is assailed without cease by the jealous Rhalgr, but the Destroyer’s mighty levinbolts only serve to power the spire’s clockwork soul. It is through the blessings of both creation and destruction that strength is granted to he who sees his stars rise under this sign.
The Arrow4th HeavenWindThis heaven, represented by Llymlaen, was created atop a lofty peak by Oschon, the Wanderer, whose footsteps had been guided by the Navigator. The wind that blows off Llymlaen’s seas guides the arrow fast and true, and so shall it deliver the weary souls of those trapped in the mire of confusion, indecision, over-contemplation.
The Ewer5th HeavenWaterIt is said that through the fifth heaven flows a mighty river carrying the water spilled forth from the Scholar’s vessel. And in that water is the knowledge of all that have come before and all who will follow–the aether spun from Nymeia’s loom–the aether from which all magicks are drawn and to which all magicks return.
The Spear6th HeavenIceRepresented by Halone herself, where the Fury resides in a palace of ice carved by Her own spear–ice formed of moonbeams collected by the Lover, Menphina. The Spear fills us not only with the power to overcome our enemies, but also the compassion that is necessary to grant those same enemies mercy.

« Minor Arcana »

SuitAlternateFacultyClassElementMajor Arcana
CrownsWreathsDominionNobilityLightningThe Spire
CupsHeartsEmotionClergyWaterThe Ewer
RingsPentaclesPossessionMerchantsEarthThe Bole
KnivesSwordsCognitionMilitaryWindThe Arrow
StavesBatonsVolitionSmallfolkFireThe Balance
IronsChainsContritionPrisonersIceThe Spear

Face cards consist of the “knave”, the “lord”, and the highest-ranking “lady”. When used in conjunction with the pip cards, their numerical values are 7, 8, and 9 respectively.

« Fortune Telling »




The Trinity— The first, and perhaps most employed spread is a basic three-card spread, oft referred to as the Trinity. The arcana are shuffled and then three are drawn from the pile and placed, face down, in a row–the first to the left, the second to the right, and the third twixt the previous two, slightly raised. The cards are then turned in the order they were placed, the first representing the subject’s past, the second, her present, and the third, her future.As each of the cards represents two gods (one of astral polarity, one of umbral), two different meanings can be gleaned from the arcana depending on the direction they grace when turned. In their proper, upright position, they take the astral interpretation; when inverted, they take the umbral.The Arrow (Llymlaen) represents a past sea voyage, the inversed Spire (Rhalgr) a trial currently faced, and the Spear (Halone) ultimate success at that trial.

The Dawn Cross— A second spread that uses all six of the major arcana and is believed to provide more detailed information regarding a subject’s fate. The cards are shuffled and drawn one at a time.The first card drawn is placed face up in the scrying table’s center. This card is also known as the “core” and represents the subject’s present state. The second card is placed immediately to the core’s left and represents what, in the past, has exerted influence over the subject. The third card is placed immediately to the right of the core and represents what will most affect the subject in the near future. The fourth card is placed below the core, with the fifth card placed immediately below that one. These cards represent misfortune the subject may face in the foreseeable future and the root of that misfortune respectively. The sixth and final card is placed directly above the core to form the cross, and is representative of the subject’s overall fortune.

Additional information on card meanings and spreads can be found here.

« The Arcana as Entertainment »

Use of the Deck of Sixty is by no means limited to divination. Records from as far back as the Third Astral Era show that the people of Eorzea have long applied the cards to such leisurely pursuits as gambling or disport. Some popular pastimes include the following:

Hide the high heartA fast paced hybrid of High-Low. Minor arcana cards are given a value, and the players make bets on whether or not the next drawn card is going to be higher or lower than the one currently on the table.
Knights & KnavesA three-player strategy game in which each card represents a member of an army unit, the object being to assassinate the opposing armies' generals.
Louis LouisA game in which the object is to create a stack of cards whose sum equals the age of Archon Louisoix when he sacrificed his life for the realm. The dealt hands are exchanged by players every round to make this game a particular contact of extreme concentration.
The Whispering PillowA unique game popular among those of noble birth. Eighteen cards are drawn from the minor arcana and assigned a person within the players' social circle(s). The arcana are then drawn in pairs to see who is "in bed with", or "who is betraying whom", providing the players with seeds of wild gossip.



« Name »

No nickname - Friend
Trust || ✦✧✧✧✧
Attraction || ✦✧✧✧✧
Loyalty || ✦✧✧✧✧
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mattis nisi non egestas cursus. Vestibulum tristique, turpis sodales scelerisque auctor, orci felis ullamcorper velit, eu tincidunt leo nisl nec libero. Phasellus sit amet lorem sem. Donec vel rutrum lorem. Maecenas id ex at sem tincidunt dignissim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec congue turpis eget arcu blandit rutrum.

« Name »

Nickname - Friend
Trust || ✦ ✧✧✧✧
Attraction || ✦ ✧✧✧✧
Loyalty || ✦ ✧✧✧✧
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mattis nisi non egestas cursus. Vestibulum tristique, turpis sodales scelerisque auctor, orci felis ullamcorper velit, eu tincidunt leo nisl nec libero. Phasellus sit amet lorem sem. Donec vel rutrum lorem. Maecenas id ex at sem tincidunt dignissim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec congue turpis eget arcu blandit rutrum.

Card Meanings


Most, if not all, of the information here has been sourced from Yourou's FFXIV blog, which can be found here.

The Purpose of Position

Cards, when drawn into a spread can appear in the Astral (upright) or Umbral (upside down) position. Generally, this notates to the reader which type of energy the card is reading for the querent. Astral generally notes positive energy while Umbral shows the opposite in negative energy. Getting an Umbral card in one's spread is not always a bad thing; it could be a warning to stay vigilant for the negativity from others. Ultimately, the interpretation is up to the reader because the cards are an instrument of energy and aether.

Major Arcana and their Relation to the Twelve

Each card in the Major Arcana corresponds with 1 element and 2 deities.The Bole – Earth; Nophica the Matron and Althyk the Keeper.
The Balance – Fire: Azeyma the Warden and Nald’thal the Traders.
The Spire – Lightning: Byregot the Builder and Rhalgr the Destroyer.
The Arrow – Wind: Oschon the Wanderer and Llymlaen the Navigator.
The Ewer – Water: Nymeia the Spinner and Thaliak the Scholar.
The Spear – Ice: Halone the Fury and Menphina the Lover.

Each card has a specific meaning when it comes to combat. The Bole represents protection, defense, life, and nurturing. The Balance represents prosperity, blessings, divine judgment, and vigor. The Spire represents construction and deconstruction, creation and destruction. The Arrow represents free spirit, travel, and guidance. The Ewer represents knowledge, reflection, and replenishment. The Spear represents strength, power, compassion, and mercy.

« Major Arcana »

The Bole


The Bole in the Astral position: The Bole in the Astral Position: In the Astral position, Nophica the Matron rules over the positive energy from this card. The goddess wields her steel scythe and promises the adventurer abundances from her harvest. She stands before the mighty World Tree which enhances her blessings and protection. If the Bole is drawn into a spread in the Astral position, the adventurer can look forward to an abundance of blessings and good fortune. The adventurer could also come across an individual who brings them good luck and fortune.

The Bole in the Umbral position: In the Umbral position, Alythk the Keeper stands before the World Tree with his mythril greataxe. He is defensive and protective, standing ready to fight. The Keeper is so focused on defending what he holds dear that he loses sight of what it is he’s actually protecting. If the Bole is drawn into a spread in the Umbral position, the adventurer is being warned by Althyk to reassess their situation, look at the broader picture, and formulate a more cohesive strategy on how to accomplish their goal. The adventurer could also come across an individual who is very stressed, anxious, and stubborn and is in desperate need of help.

The Balance


The Balance in the Astral position: In the Astral position, Azeyma the goddess of the sun and inquiry extends her arms downward and to either side of herself. In her right hand she holds her golden fan and in her left she holds a flaming sword. She shines brightly with the sun as her halo and Nald’thal stands guard at her feet. The rays of her halo sparkle and flare with the gifts and blessings of prosperity and life. If the Balance is drawn into a spread in the Astral position, the adventurer is being guided by Azeyma to look at the balance of life and death… that without death, and Nald’thal at her feet… then life would be meaningless – without night, and her sister Menphina, that the day and the sun would serve no purpose other than to scorch the earth. She reminds the adventurer to balance out the good with the bad in their lives so the precious moments they experience can be cherished. This card could also represent a woman who comes into the adventurer’s life who helps them reorganize themselves in order to have better control and balance over themselves and their surroundings.

The Balance in the Umbral Position: Nald’thal stands at the feet of Azeyma. Nald cautions those who tread towards Thal’s realm that their spirits will first be judged to see if they are worthy to continue into the afterlife. Those who sit at the seat under the balance are judged. If one tips the scales towards Azeyma’s right hand that holds her golden fan they are granted permission to pass. If one tips the scales towards Azeyma’s left hand which holds a flaming sword, then the soul is denied access into the Underworld and must continue for the rest of eternity in purgatory. If the Balance card is drawn into a spread in the Umbral position, the adventurer is being warned with caution by Nald’thal to take their choices into better consideration before executing them or they will be judged in the afterlife. Only those who are worthy will pass into Thal’s realm. This card in this position could also be representative of a strong spiritual figure or a merchant in the adventurer’s life, one who will drastically change the adventurer’s spirituality or wealth. It’s advising the adventurer to be unopposed to change.

The Spire


The Spire in the Astral Position: In the Astral position, Byregot works at the top of his spire constructing and creating with his two-headed hammer and lightning to power his machinations. With Rhalgr below the spire throwing his own levinbolts to attempt and destroy his son’s creations within the tower. Byregot represents completion, integration, and accomplishment but he also warns the adventurer of the constant dangers around them and that disaster could lurk in the most unsuspecting places. If this card is drawn in this position, the adventurer could face a sudden change, upheaval, or disaster in their lives and the card is warning them to be cautious. This card could also represent a stubborn man in the adventurer’s life who will make the adventurer feel humble, frightened, and insecure at first… but within time the adventurer will see that this person was merely there to help them on their journey to accepting the change in their life.

The Spire in the Umbral position: In the Umbral position, Rhalgr strikes at his son’s spiraling tower with his destructive lightning, roaring vehemently towards the darkened skies. The spire represents the delayed necessity of destruction as it cycles into creation starting anew. Rhalgr is telling the adventurer that they must stay strong through this tumultuous time in order to learn an important lesson. Even if it’s shocking and difficult to deal with, this time is an important part of the adventurer’s journey. If this card appears in this position in a spread it is suggesting that change and transformation are not easy for the adventurer to accept and that transition during this big change will take time and a great deal of patience. It suggested that this transformation is potentially painful and the destruction is frightening and thus there is resistance. The adventurer must be made aware that in order to create the change they are seeking they must go through a period of significant discomfort. Now is the time to not be afraid and to take risks, endure the hardships because it makes one stronger. This card could also be representative of a figure within the adventurer’s life who will trigger a drastic change that the adventurer is unprepared for and will not know how to handle. Depending on the intuition of the inquiring party, this card could also represent that the adventurer knows that impending doom is on the horizon and they might just hardly avoid the disaster.

The Arrow


The Arrow in the Astral position: In the Astral position, Llymlaen guides Oschon and his free spirit throughout the lands and waters of Hydaelyn with the arrow of her navigator’s compass. The two deities travel in unison to discover all the parts of the world and give blessings to travelers and the free spirited at heart. If this card is drawn in this position into a spread it is telling the adventurer that with guidance and wisdom they will soon depart for a grand journey – this journey could be a physical trip or a spiritual transcendence depending on the rest of the cards in the spread. While it does promote travel this card also represents the strength of willpower to overcome obstacles and challenges, it encourages one to be determined and strong even through the toughest of hardships, and that eventually the wind will carry the adventurer to their destination and once that goal is achieved there will be a great deal of satisfaction. This card could also represent a person who will enter the adventurer’s life and assist them in embarking on a great journey – be it travel or spiritual.

The Arrow in the Umbral position: In the Umbra position, Oschon turns away from Llymlaen’s compass needle feeling the sting of the arrowhead’s tip. Oschon believes that Llymlaen is overbearing in trying to tell him where his free spirit should wander. Llymlaen secretly bubbles jealousy and resentment towards Oschon due to his love for Menphina and his constant pursuit of trying to find his love, when Llymlaen is constantly at his side to guide him. If this card appears in the Umbra position in a spread it is representative of the fact that the adventurer is struggling with control in their life, and that the power of opposing forces is driving them down their path and the adventurer is at the mercy of fate. This card is telling the adventurer to pause, gain control of the wheel, and become more disciplined and focused. This card could also be warning the adventurer of a jealous figure in their life that is trying to manipulate circumstances out of the adventurer’s favor. It could also stand for a person in the adventurer’s life who is lost and needs stability and discipline.

The Ewer


The Ewer in the Astral Position: In the Astral position, Nymeia and Thaliak stand back to back surrounded by the Rivers of the Lifestream, their feet are dipped in the aetherial waters and Nymeia holds a vase that flows the water of vitality and introspection into the Lifestream while Thaliak moves the waters with his ashen staff. If this card appears in the Astral position in a spread it represents wisdom and understanding, peace and serenity, knowledge and reflection. With the aid of Nymeia’s Ewer and Thaliak’s stirring of the waters the two symbolize spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, and a link to the subconscious mind. This card is telling the adventurer to pay closer attention to their thoughts, their emotions, and their dreams. To better understand a situation is to have greater knowledge, and the Ewer promotes the adventurer’s intuition.

The Ewer in the Umbral position: In the Umbral position, it is obvious that both Nymeia and Thaliak’s ears are covered and they are unable to hear one another, therefore this prevents the two from working in perfect harmony. Nyemia’s white silk veil shrouds her ears and Thaliak’s scholar’s collar covers the sides of his face, and the only way the two can communicate is through the mirror like reflection of the Lifestream. If this card appears in this position in your spread, it indicates that there is a tremendous lack of focus in the adventurer’s life and this is preventing the adventurer from meditation and reflecting on their circumstances. The ewer vase is representative of the body, while the water inside it symbolizes the soul… the water inside the vase is always there, it just depends on the body when they tap into the water’s power. The Ewer is encouraging the adventurer to reflect on their inner self so they don’t lose touch with their humanity.

The Spear


The Spear in the Astral position: In the Astral position, Menphina dances in her own soft silver light while Halone stands in a constant vigil over the moon goddess with her trident-spear ever at the ready in case intruders attempt to defile such a sacred ritual. Flurries of snowflakes swirl around the goddesses creating a winter wonderland filled with mystery and enchantment. If this card appears in this position within the spread, it indicates strength, confidence, trust, and love. The goddesses while polar opposites work in harmony together and trust one another. Halone protects Menphina and Menphina’s moonbeams enhance the power of Halone’s spear. This card could indicate a few potential meanings depending on the other cards present in the spread. The Spear could represent that the adventurer will need to confide their trust into others, it could represent a strong sexual or physical attraction that goes beyond instant gratification and lust, or it could represent a strong sense of faith. The Spear could also symbolize the need for the adventurer to make a choice that shakes their morality. It is telling the adventurer to consider all angles before acting and that the adventurer’s morality and values will be severely challenged, and a definite choice must be made based on that morality. The choices will never be obvious or easy; however there is a distinct difference between right and wrong when it comes to the options presented to the adventurer.

The Spear in the Umbral position: In the Umbral position, Halone’s fury and Menphina’s love push the balance of the goddesses out of order and can signify a tremendous rift between the adventurer and someone important in their life. If this card appears in this position within the spread, it is a clear sign of weakness and obstinacy. Halone calls for the adventurer to seek out their inner strength and courage while Menphina calls for the adventurer to tap into their compassion and mercy. The Spear in Umbral tells the adventurer to come to terms with their negative feelings so that they may quickly conquer those emotions and stand strong once again. This card could also indicate that a relationship is coming to an end or one person in the partnership has stronger feelings than the other and this could lead to disappointment and insecurity.


« Minor Arcana »

Most of the cards listed are linked to specific Tarot cards to make readings a bit more authentic.

Suit of Rings

The suit of rings is representative of the element for earth, and covers material possessives, wealth, business, trade, protection, and stability.· Ace of Rings – Astral: Manifestation, opportunity, prosperity. Umbral: Lack of planning, lack of foresight.
· Two of Rings – Astral: Adaptability, time management. Umbral: Disorganization, financial disarray.
· Three of Rings – Astral: Teamwork, collaboration. Umbral: Inability to work with others.
· Four of Rings – Astral: Control, stability, security. Umbral: Greed, materialism.
· Five of Rings – Astral: Isolation, insecurity. Umbral: Recovery from financial loss and spiritual poverty.
· Queen of Rings – Astral: Practical, maternal. Umbral: Imbalance in commitments.
· King of Rings – Astral: Discipline, abundance, control. Umbral: Authoritative, stubborn, domineering.

Suit of Staves

The suit of staves is representative of fire, associated with creativity, inspiration, ambition, expansion, and leadership.· Ace of Staves – Astral: Inspiration, creative beginnings. Umbral: delays, lack of motivation.
· Two of Staves – Astral: Progress, making decisions, discovery. Umbral: fear of the unknown.
· Three of Staves – Astral: Enterprise, expansion. Umbral: Obstacles to long term goals.
· Four of Staves – Astral: Celebration, harmony, marriage, community. Umbral: Breakdowns, awkward transitions.
· Five of Staves – Astral: Disagreement, competition, tension, and conflict. Umbral: Avoiding conflict, diversity.
· Queen of Staves – Astral: Exuberance, warmth. Umbral: Aggressive, demanding.
· King of Staves – Astral: Leadership, entrepreneur. Umbral: Impulsive, ruthless, and hasty.

Suit of Crowns

The suit of crowns is representative of lightning, symbolic towards architecture, building, deconstruction, spontaneity, and determination.· Ace of Crowns – Astral: Victory, public recognition, confidence. Umbral: Egotism, disrepute.
· Two of Crowns – Astral: Challenge, competition, perseverance. Umbral: Overwhelmed, giving up.
· Three of Crowns – Astral: Courage, persistence, resilience. Umbral: Defensive, destructive, paranoid.
· Four of Crowns – Astral: Isolation, restriction. Umbral: Release, open to new perspectives.
· Five of Crowns – Astral: Depression, anxiety. Umbral: Hopelessness, torment.
· Queen of Crowns – Astral: Energetic, curious. Umbral: Broken promises, all talk and no action.
· King of Crowns – Astral: Opinionated, passionate. Umbral: Lusty, avoids responsibility.

Suit of Swords

The suit of swords is representative of wind, associated with courage, change, intellect, communication, and logic.· Ace of Swords – Astral: Mental clarity, revelation. Umbral: Confusion, chaos.
· Two of Swords – Astral: Indecision, stalemate, blocked emotions. Umbral: Information and emotional overload.
· Three of Swords – Astral: Heartbreak, grief, rejection. Umbral: Optimism, releasing pain, forgiveness.
· Four of Swords – Astral: Contemplation, passive, relaxation. Umbral: Lazy, restlessness.
· Five of Swords – Astral: Loss, defeat, betrayal. Umbral: Open to change.
· Queen of Swords – Astral: Perceptive, independent. Umbral: Cold-hearted, over-emotional.
· King of Swords – Astral: Intellectual, authoritative. Umbral: Manipulative, abusive, tyrannical.

Suit of Cups

The suit of cups is representative of water, associated with emotions, reflection, connections, artistic inspiration, and humanity.· Ace of Cups – Astral: Compassion, creativity. Umbral: Blocked emotions.
· Two of Cups – Astral: Education, apprenticeship. Umbral: Perfectionism, lack of focus.
· Three of Cups – Astral: Vision, investment. Umbral: Limited success.
· Four of Cups – Astral: Meditation, contemplation. Umbral: Apathy, boredom, aloof.
· Five of Cups – Astral: Loss, regret, disappointment. Umbral: moving on, acceptance.
· Queen of Cups – Astral: Calm, intuitive. Umbral: insecure, dependent.
· King of Cups – Astral: Generosity, happiness. Umbral: Volatility, immaturity.

Suit of Irons

The suit of irons is representative of ice, solidness, strength, courage, steadfast, love, relationships, and spirituality.· [Ace of Irons]() – Astral: Love, sexuality. Umbral: Pent up lust, cold hatred.
· Two of Irons – Astral: Partnership, attraction, relationships. Umbral: Break-up, lack of harmony.
· Three of Irons – Astral: Fantasy, illusion, imagination. Umbral: Temptation, appearance versus reality.
· Four of Irons – Astral: Escapism, abandonment, withdrawal. Umbral: Hopelessness, drifting spirits.
· Five of Irons – Astral: Strength, faith, courage. Umbral: Weakness, agnostic, despair.
· Queen of Irons – Astral: Charming, compassionate, merciful. Umbral: Unrealistic, jealous.
· King of Irons – Astral: Romantic, suave, intrepid. Umbral: Unfaithful, unsophisticated, rude.

« Spreads »

Time spread

This spread is often used for a quick outline of the querent’s past, present and future and gives a very simple and basic insight in what one would find in each time period.1. Past – This card represents the querent’s past.
2. Present – This card represents the querent’s present.
3. Future – This card represents the querent’s future.

Dream spread

This spread is used when the querent inquires about dreams or dream interpretation. It’s customary for the querent to tell the astrologian a brief description of the dream.1. How the dream is relevant to the querent’s life.
2. Lessons the dream is trying to teach the querrent.
3. How the querent can apply the dream to their daily life.

Cross spread

This spread is the most popular and is intended to shed light on many aspects of the querent’s life. Due to its popularity, it is recommended that the querent focus intently on the question it wishes to ask the cards before the astrologian draws the cards into the spread. This can be done when the astrologian instructs the querent to shuffle and cut the cards.1. Signifier – represents the querent.
2. Crossing – represents what is opposing the querent.
3. Foundation – represents the origin of the question.
4. Recent Past – represents recent circumstances that contributed the querent to make their inquiry.
5. Crown – represents the solution to the problem that may or may not come to pass in the future. This card foretells events depending on how the querent responds to the present situation.
6. Future – represents what lies ahead.

Guide spread

This spread is commonly used to answer very specific questions.1. Present situation
2. Cause of conflicts
3. Changes needed in order to face obstacles
4. Strengths or Weaknesses
5. Other challenges
6. Outcome